Low-carbon Hydropower Label
Open Hydro provides an independent, robust and credible claim for low-carbon hydropower electricity. The Low-carbon label supports hydropower generators and purchasers’ commitment to sustainability and renewable energy, supporting them with their carbon neutrality claims.
Trusted and independent low-carbon certification. Gain industry-leading credibility with Open Hydro certification
Enhance market edge with premium pricing. Leverage your high-quality, low-carbon electricity to strengthen competitive pricing
Annual emissions aligned with GHG Protocol. Solidify your commitments to low carbon neutrality and sustainability
Seamless integration with I-REC Certification. Enhance your sustainability credentials with a certification that complements your existing I-RECs

4 simple steps to powering up with science-backed Low-carbon label

The certification to demonstrate your low-carbon credentials

Why is it necessary?
The Low-Carbon Hydropower Label addresses the growing demand for transparency and credibility in the shift to a low-carbon economy. It helps differentiate environmentally responsible projects, ensuring that your commitment to sustainability is clearly recognised.

Who can apply?
All hydropower projects are eligible to apply, including both run-of-river and reservoir-based systems. Whether your project is large or small, this label is designed to certify your dedication to low-carbon electricity production.

How to use it?
Our certification stands alow in compliance with the GHG Protocol. The certification is valid for 12 months, with an annual re-certification process to ensure ongoing compliance and it can be used to complement your existing I-REC certification.