Leading the way in tracking emissions from water

The platform to accurately track and manage emissions from water bodies.

Open Hydro provides the tools to advance climate action in water sectors

Companies reporting on the GHG emissions from consumed energy only provide a fraction of the reality of the existing emissions. 

Accounting for water emissions has the same urgency as addressing energy emissions and companies are being required to report on these emissions. 


Operational emissions are subject to come from reservoirs

Take the lead on water emissions  


Direct emissions for your reservoirs


Expert support 


Compliance with the GHG Protocol 

Low-Carbon Hydropower Label

Open Hydro provides an independent, robust and credible claim for low-carbon hydropower electricity. The Low-carbon label supports hydropower generators and purchasers’ commitment to sustainability and renewable energy, supporting them with their carbon neutrality claims.

Trusted and independent low-carbon certification. Gain industry-leading credibility with Open Hydro certification

Enhance market edge with premium pricing. Leverage your high-quality, low-carbon electricity to strengthen competitive pricing

Annual emissions alignhed with GHG Protocol. Solidify your commitments to low carbon neutrality and sustainability

Seamless integration with I-REC Certification. Enhance your sustainability credentials with a certification that complements your existing I-RECs

Why Open Hydro?

Open Hydro is the software that helps companies that use water to measure, allocate and provide action plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from water.

We map, quantify, and allocate emissions from water bodies to the different water users and identify actionable opportunities to respond to and reduce their GHG emissions.

We can help your business to:




Discover actions to drive down emissions

What you can measure you can manage

Open Hydro enables any company managing water resources to map, quantify, and allocate emissions from water bodies to reach your net-zero targets.

Upload your data

Upload all your data in one click

Calculate emissions

Our modelling tool allows you to calculate all your emissions across scope 1, 2 and 3

Visualise your portfolio

Get insights in real time and track the status of your decarbonisation actions

Report for compliance

Report your progress towards net zero to comply with regulations and stakeholders

What do people say about us?

Industry-specific efforts, like Open Hydro’s, are vital to improving and advancing climate-related reporting. The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) welcomes further progress by industry experts to develop metrics and increase organisations’ understanding of climate-related risks and opportunities to inform into potential financial impacts.

Mara Childress

Director, Global Public Policy, Bloomberg

Participating in the testing phase of the Open Hydro’s Climate Change Mitigation Guideline was very valuable. We could attend the spaces created to provide input and share knowledge about the reporting practices, as well as allowing us to broaden the perspective of the scope of these reports, when considering incorporating risks and opportunities generated by climate change

Marian Rojas Acosta

Environnmental Manager, Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad

The interdisciplinary work between representatives of different entities that have operations in different countries and regions has been very enriching for companies like EPM because it has shown us best practices in managing the carbon footprint in the hydroelectric sector.

Isabel Cristina Giraldo Ospina

Profesional Planeación y Desempeño, EPM

Open Hydro provides the tools to advance climate action in water sectors

Supporting organisations to gather data that relates to greenhouse gas emissions coming from bodies of freshwater. Enabling companies to report according to best practices. Modelling and analysisng data to view opportunities to reduce and mitigate emissions. 

The challenge

We live in a time where water assets have an enormous role to play in addressing the global challenges we face.

Reliable climate related information and commonly agreed metrics that consider water and energy services are difficult to achieve yet essential for operators of water facilities.

Strong data can demonstrate the impact and contribution of projects to tackle climate change. It supports applications for climate finance to fund renovations to reach zero-carbon targets.

Our goal

We aim is to incentivise and guide water facility operators in how to discover and report emissions and take actions to drive these down. We want to create business leaders in environmental transparency and climate accountability.

Good emissions data and models about future options can attract climate investment to finance or refinance renovations to reduce emissions. Many investors want to fund projects that contribute to a climate-resilient, zero-carbon planet.

Our network

We work with organisations ranging from: electric and water utilities, businesses that use large quantities of water in their processes, multilateral development banks, governments and international organisations, to position the needs of water industries at the forefront tackling climate change and enabling business to play a positive role.

We lead working groups that bring together these parties, and we invite applications to join to contribute to and meet this network.

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